Friday, March 02, 2007

Game Friday: Two Artful Games... and the Score Widget of My Dreams (UPDATED)

This week, two lovely games from the annals of Casual Gameplay. If you want to curl up with some classical guitar and scroll your mouse lovingly across the screen, check out Maeda Path. It's a really, really simple game in which you stay within the lines and generate music and pastel bricks as you move along. Very zen.

Second, for the hipster set, a puzzle game with edgy graphics called The Machine. Ever wondered what your computer would look like if an art major made it explode? Check it out. I still don't understand the subliminal messaging about the Windows operating system, but still a great visual interface for a few games.

And third, the blog widget of my dreams has been invented. It allows you to rate blog posts after reading them and view the averaged score over raters thus far. I love ratings. They are an easy way to participate and give feedback based on gut reaction. They will be a good way for me to understand what's working for you and what isn't, and for new readers to check out old posts that may be "greatest hits." I went back and added this html to all the old posts, so if you feel a need to judge something, please, go nuts. And let me know if it doesn't work. I can't test it because it registers each IP address only once, so it froze me after creating the widget.

UPDATE: I now understand that each post needs its own individual widget. So, I have to go back and change everything. I'm going to change this widget to a "rate this blog" for the sidebar; you are welcome to rate things, but until I fix it this weekend they are all linked. Sorry about that.

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