Sunday, February 18, 2007

Light Changes to the Blog

Thanks to those who emailed or commented with their thoughts about the blog. Turns out that light text on dark backgrounds + long-format content just doesn't mix. My inspiration was the light-on-dark application WriteRoom, which I use for most journaling and writing, but I will gladly bend to the will of readers with headaches. Thanks to Daniel for passing on this article on why light-on-dark can be a pain. I'm glad to hear so many folks are enjoying the content. I had fun spending some snow-time inside making the header graphic too...

Please continue to let me know if you have any thoughts about how to improve this blog. I appreciate your feedback and support!


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Hey Nina, the new style feels soo much better... however, I am curious about Writeroom, i've got to check that...

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Thanks for changing the design - I'm feeling 2.0ly involved now!

    Nice logo too.. and sorry to Contrarian, this is another Wendy. But hi anyway!

  3. Hello,

    edublogger Vicki Davis has this post stating 10 blog tips. You probably know all this but since your considering changes I thought I would share this link:

    10 Habits of bloggers that win
