Thursday, July 05, 2007

Help Bring Museum 2.0 to AAM!: Looking for Cranks, Skeptics, and Leaders

Dear Museum 2.0ers,

I started writing individuals with whom I have prior relationships to put together panels for AAM 2008, and then realized that is SO pre-blog.

I'm looking for people who fit the following:
  1. a crank or skeptic to help host a debate about the potential of Web 2.0 in museums
  2. experience with projects that are "2.0 on the cheap"--with or without technology
  3. creating nimble venues and projects within museum monoliths
Are you intelligible, intelligent, and potentially available to go to Denver next year? Please get in touch with me as soon as possible--I'm hoping to get SPC endorsement for some of these ideas, which requires a quick turnaround on the proposals.

ninaksimon (at) gmail (dot) com

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